Kenya’s trade with other African countries is lower than its trade with the rest of the world.

The Kenya Trade Fact Sheet provides an overview of international trade, aiming to equip unions with insights for trade advocacy, particularly in their efforts to protect and promote labour rights within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The paper presents key demographic, macroeconomic, and labour market indicators and analyses Kenya’s international trade dynamics.

It highlights trade contributions to revenue, balance of payments, main export destinations, import sources, and intra-African trade.

It examines Kenya’s export processing zone (EPZ) regime, industrial policies, and labour migration.


Resource: Kenya Trade Fact Sheet: Trade unions, trade and AfCFTA




Dr Prince Asafu‐Adjaye

Prince Asafu‐Adjaye is an Associate at the Labour Research Service with a PhD in Development Studies and a background in Applied Labour Economics and Sociology. His doctoral research focused on trade union responses to neoliberalism in Ghana. With 15 years of experience in trade union research and policy at the Trades Union Congress (Ghana), his interests include labour markets, labour market institutions, and industrial relations.

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